


The other digital marketing agency

We are an Agency of Strategists, Creatives and Dreamers. We create brands. We are multilingual, amateur vegans, pacifists, animal and bonsai lovers. We only need to play instruments, but we like to sing, and a lot.

We are MAKTAGG, the “other” Digital Marketing Agency.

Are you new around here?

A summary of what we do. You can always find out more.

We are an all in one agency, with the aesthetics and the pillar strategy.

We offer you solutions in digital marketing and design by adjusting to your brand’s personality (and if it doesn’t have one, we create it for you).

Consult our services and find what you need.

Since you made it this far, we’ll tell you more details about us.

We coexist in 2 universes

Design, love & create

We’ll tell you everything in a nutshell. You can always find out more.

To explore more projects, check out our portfolio

We have carried out projects for these types of businesses:






If your brand isn’t on the list, don’t worry:we love a good challenge whatever your project may be.

Our team is equipped with professional creatives with expertise in 3D, product photography, editorial, web design, lettering, branding and everything you can possibly imagine.

Want to talk?

Leave your brand image in our hands

Let's go!

Marketing Universe

Why are we "the other" Digital Marketing Agency in Barcelona?

Why are we “the other” Digital Marketing Agency in Barcelona?

There are digital marketing agencies. Then, there is Maktagg.

We know managing your business is keeping you very busy, and you don’t have spare time to dedicate to digital marketing. We know you’ve already worked with the mainstream agency that’s all talk and no action.  On top of that we also know the results were a big failure.

Here in “the other”  Digital Marketing Agency,  we’ve got none of that.

Here we are creative, we are trans-pa-ren-tes and we do everything ourselves: web development, graphic design, social media, email marketing, PPC, Google positioning, etc. Of course we do talk and send you all the reports you please and we explain them in detail so you aren’t left with any doubts. But, basing ourselves in them, we also elaborate and apply the strategies necessary to take your business ( and your benefits ) to the next level.

How do we help you in «the other» Digital Marketing Agency?

If you decide to trust us with your digital project, we’ll study it in depth and analyze it necessities:

Better techniques and web design, campaigns to reach more clients, implementing or revisiting all contents so they show up at the top of the search engines, etc. What’s certain is that every business is its own world, but what’s crystal clear to us is that yours is one of a kind.

Want to talk?

It’s time to strengthen your digital marketing.

I want to make my business grow

Expand horizons turning your brand into an ecommerce. We will help you!

We are

What else makes us stand out from the rest? Ah, we are Shopify Partners!

We’ve got our team ready to create, optimize and escalate your store in the online world.

Let's talk

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