

Marketing Trends 2020

The world is changing and so are the ways of communicating for a closer approach to the audience. If we want our business to be successful and work, we believe it is necessary to adapt to the new ways of communicating. What trends are coming in 2020 in the marketing world? Where is the future of marketing headed? How to adapt to changes if they evolve month by month? Today we stand before two beasts: The first is Digital Marketing: The Age of Digitalization. The advance in technology that leads us to a revolution in the Digital Marketing world. However, the abuse of the growth in digitalization produces an adverse effect where it seeks to connect in a personalized way through actions and causes that represent groups or individuals. This is where Emotional or Experiential Marketing arises. Many brands are becoming aware of this new revelation and are starting to wake up to change the way they communicate.

Like yin and yang

One field does not exist without the other, and they mutually feed back on each other. In the face of an immeasurable advance in digitalization, the search for man arises in the face of a superficial world shown in social networks. It is so great that if connections are not created, loyalty does not last over time. The objective of a fashion marketing agency, for example, is not to sell a product, it is to create brands that sell meaning and last for a long time in the consumer’s mind. It is difficult in a society that wants everything instantaneously. This results in a loyal consumer to whom you don’t need to chase to sell a product, because he will need it.

Do they all sell the same?

A more active, responsive and participative user. If brands are not differentiated by an added value, you are left behind, and the user looks for new content and brands, since another one can give him the same or even something better than yours. Brand equity is an essential part of the company, and it is what differentiates great brands today. Nike, Apple, Disney; brands that don’t just sell products.

Computer bombing

The excess of information and content to which we are exposed much of our time is increasingly personalized. Technology not only advances but also evolves. Digital channels are increasingly personalized and understand everything about our tastes, trips, ideas, preferences. The system is increasingly prepared to know the user in depth. That’s why there are times when it ends up scaring us, since it can happen that we think of a certain brand or service and instantly an advertisement appears on Instagram. Has it happened to you? However, digital marketing has made it possible for many independent entrepreneurs to expand their businesses, and the investments that were previously required to start a company can be more measurable thanks to the digital market and its reach. For all the strategies that exist, the important thing is to outline the objectives to be achieved so that the brand’s path through a well-defined strategy has its goal. In our digital marketing agency Barcelona we know that it is also a world of a lot of information and the key is to define well the objectives to achieve what you are looking for. Let’s talk about…

Voice search

New voice technologies are gaining more and more ground in digital marketing. Time passes quickly and the user loses patience, there is less time to type information and more time for voice. Voice command technologies are transforming user behavior, and of course marketing and business are waking up. In 2020, the business should focus their efforts on improving the consumer experience through a voice relationship. Today there is Amazon Alexa or Google Home for example, which have launched technology and innovation in homes because they know where the business is going. Therefore, it is understood and confirmed that voice search is vital to the positioning strategy through an SEO strategy. Search engines interpret not only the meaning of words, but also the intent and context behind each search.

Virtual reality

Today, virtual reality can influence a consumer’s purchasing decision. The aim of virtual reality is to create a more real proximity with the consumer prior to the sale. It is the experience that is created of a product or service in a digital way, generally with images, videos, 360º. It is increasingly applied to new devices, nowadays, even mobile. The goal is to make the customer feel as if they are experiencing something they don’t have yet. “I want to live it as if I were there.” These are the important moments in a consumer’s buying journey.

What is achieved with virtual reality?

Experience: That the user lives a close experience with the product or service without having bought it but that influences his purchase decision. Interaction: Create an interaction and link between the brand and the audience. Innovation: Innovation in the digital world not only that it brings closer and opens the gap of an audience or target interested about technological advances, but also positions a brand.


Personalization in the era of digitalization is a key factor and a major challenge to implement in 2020. Due to the increase in technology, social networks, information saturation, users have a low need for demand in the face of so much supply. That is why the importance in communication has to be personalization through segmentation. Accurate communication needs to reach the exact user. How? With CRM (Costumer Relationship Management) strategies where large volumes of customer data can be centrally managed. Today, data is what really counts. Strategies can also be measured with indicators that demonstrate the recurrence of purchase, average basket and the level of recommendation of current customers to potential customers. Context marketing will become more relevant thanks to these technologies, as they will make it possible to show timely content to the right user at the right time. It is about knowing the audience and managing their data appropriately to achieve greater personalization of content.

Chatbox and instant messaging

Instant and effective feedback and quick response are what the customer needs. Social Media messaging applications such as Facebook Chat with companies, for example, are allied with Chatbox, which are computer tools that simulate human conversations where the user believes and feels that he is linking directly with the company, which gives him certain security and confidence. With artificial intelligence, chatbots are diversifying, adapting to different ways of asking questions, which apart from being systematic, are personalized, which generates a bond with the user that serves to increase sales.

Immediate content

Immersed in an era of eagerness and dynamism, speed and efficiency, intrigue and control. Users want to know everything. Immediate content is that which makes us consume at any time, place and situation. They manage to make the user part of close and more real situations, which generates an approximation with the user. On the other hand… Technology and over-innovation drive some users away due to lack of REAL contact. So how should the content be transmitted and communicated? +REAL +EXPERIMENTAL +CONCEPTUAL The user is educated and knows that the company wants to SELL but how do they connect with a company? Through postures, actions and communication.

The Greta effect

Currently, environmental initiatives have connected with users who see the actions taken by companies against climate change. It is still CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) but they act and carry out situations and initiatives that are a small step towards changing the world or at least raising awareness about it. In this sense, we support initiatives that are in line with the ideals of an audience that seeks change. This is why brands adapt to the needs of society in the creation of their products, services or even communication.


The important thing is to be aware of innovation and changes in the world and how they affect marketing and the way we communicate. The way of communicating has changed and the channels have changed even more. The user is different from 10 years ago. How do you engage your users and your audience? What innovative plans do you have for 2020 to increase your sales? Have you planned the strategies and objectives to be followed?

