

seo budget
seo positioning budget
ask seo budget


If you have landed here, you will already know that the SEO will make your website more visible on Google, and without paying a penny to the search engine. This means that the budget for SEO is much lower than the budget needed for PPCand the results obtained are more lasting.

“More for less”That’s what we once told brands that have been working with us on SEO for years. What if, after reading this, yours was one of them?

Factors to take into account when making an SEO budget

Before determining the budget you need to make SEO on your website, we must take into account some factors, especially the following three three following:

Factores que afectan al presupuesto SEO

Breadth or dimension of the project

If it is a large website, with hundreds or thousands of pages, the work will be greater than if the website is tiny, with just a few dozen pages.

Factores que afectan al presupuesto SEO

Niche and competition

It is necessary to analyze your main organic competitors within the sector in which you move, so we will know with whom we will have to “fight” for the podium.

Factores que afectan al presupuesto SEO

Languages and markets

Multi-language websites have more SEO implications, not only on the technical side, but also in terms of content.

The SEO budget: what does it include and into what parts is it divided?

Every consultant has his own book, so we divide the SEO budget into four parts.

Auditoría SEO

SEO Audit

Just as you can’t start a house from the roof, you can’t implement optimization actions without knowing where you are starting from. The SEO audit is used to determine where your website is: crawling, indexing, meta-information, architecture, header structure, content… Once we know the starting point, we can begin the journey towards the goal by developing appropriate strategies.

KWR para presupuesto SEO

Keyword research

This is what
SEO experts
we call “keyword research”. If your website is old, it will already rank for keywords, but maybe not the right ones; if it is new, it probably won’t yet. In the first case, it will be necessary to determine if they are the right keywords, while in the second case, it will be necessary to decide which keywords to use taking into account the niche, the volume of searches, the level of difficulty and the number of results.

Optimizaciones on page seo

Optimizations On-page

Once the audit has been carried out and the keywords for which to position your website have been chosen, the next phase will be the gradual application of optimization actions within it, from technical improvements to the presentation and type of content that users will see, according to the chosen keywords.



The fact that other websites talk about your site is one of the most influential most influential factors in SEO. That’s what linkbuilding is all about, building a network of links that lead to your website. Not all links are beneficial, so the linkbuilding strategy should focus on getting the most relevant domains in the niche to link to yours.

Análisis e informes incluidos en el trabajo de SEO

Analysis and reporting

Measuring the results of the actions is essential to know if the SEO strategy followed is the right one or not. Thanks to the different analysis and monitoring tools, we obtain complete reports that we provide you with in a chewable format so that you have no doubts about the performance of the strategies.

The SEO budget, once approved, is distributed among the different departments that make up the organic positioning team, normally in a monthly hourly fee (

Our SEO services

SEO técnico

Technical SEO

Optimizations to improve crawling and indexing of your website. These are all actions that the user does not usually see, but Google’s crawlers do. In addition, this type of improvements also indirectly benefits your Paid Media campaignscampaigns, since the “skeleton” of your website will be more organized and the adsbots will understand it better.

SEO de contenido

SEO Content

It includes information architecture and structuring, keyword research, image and video optimization, editorial calendarplanning… Everything that users will see on your pages from the main menu to the footer.

SEO para Youtube

SEO for Youtube

If you have a YouTube channel and you can’t reach your audience, it’s likely that your videos need SEO. As with Google (owner of YouTube), the video content must also be optimized to achieve the best positions on the YouTube results page: title and description of the video, tags, playlists…

Redacción y seo copywriting

Writing and SEO copywriting

The copywriting and copywriting team works hand in hand with the SEO Content department to create texts that will appeal to crawlers, yes, but also to users. You give them a keyword, they know very well what to do with it.


We take care of building valuable links pointing to your website to increase its authority. This type of actions, besides improving the SEO of your domain, also allow you to reach new audiences by giving visibility to your brand in the most important websites of the niche.

Some of our success stories


The famous watch company is one of our oldest customers. It has been relying on us since the beginning of 2018, and closed 2023 with the best organic traffic figures recorded to date. In fact, it appeared in the SISTRIX ranking of the 250 domains that most increased their organic visibility in that year. in that year.

seo budget organic traffic viceroy


Also five years passed since Lonbali, a brand of personalized handbags, contacted us to ask for an SEO budget until, as in the case of Viceroy, it closed the year 2023 with record traffic through Google.

seo budget organic traffic lonbali


Wolo, a real estate client, left his blog in our hands in August 2022. Months later, in January 2023, its traffic tripled, and continued to rise in the following months.

SEO Budget Organic Traffic WOLO

Why ask us for an SEO quote?

seo budget barcelona

In our
digital marketing agency
we don’t give a general budget that we already have ready in a template (that seems to us to go easy and cold).

Instead, we analyze all the details of your project and all the opportunities for growth to offer you a personalized SEO quote customized to your needs..

You just want consulting? You just want linkbuilding? That you want it all?

You ask, we adapt.

So, would you like one of those blue lines to be your website’s SEO traffic?

Easy, fill out the form and ask us for a free SEO quote.

solicitar presupuesto seo